Downtown Steam Bath

Downtown Steam Bath

Downtown Steam Bath

Regular price $20.00

100% Organic Red Clover Leaf , Yarrow ,Calendula, Lemon Balm, Garden Sage & Wild Witch Hazel Leaf 


Yoni steams are generations old and have been used traditionally around the world. Yoni, otherwise known as a vaginal steam, may help with the exterior part of your vagina and cleanse reproductive parts. Benefits may include regulating your moon cycle, recovery after childbirth, and may support a healthy microbial balance.


How To Use 
Traditionally yoni steams include a small stool, but for the modern women; you can use your toilet or a chair with a hole cut out of the seat. 
Follow the directions included with your order step by step. 
All you need is your yoni steam bag of herbs, a small to medium size pot, and a high heat bowl. 

    3.5 oz